This document provides you with all information that must be provided pursuant to the Federal Act on Financial Services (“FinSA”). It is given to you for information purposes only. Nothing in this document must be interpreted as a contract between you and MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA. If you wish to enter into a business relationship with MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA, the terms and conditions applicable to your relationship will be exclusively governed by the mandate you sign.


Registered office:
The registered office of MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is at Rue de Hesse 8-10, 1204 Geneva.
You can contact us as follows:
Telephone: +41 (0)22 787 07 90
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA offers its services in the following languages: French, English


MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA offers wealth management and global investment advice services to retail, professional, and institutional clients.


Legal form:
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is a company limited by shares under Swiss law within the meaning of Articles 620 et seq. of the Swiss Code of Obligations.


MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is a financial institution within the meaning of the Federal Act on Financial Institutions (FinIA) required to be authorised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), based at Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern, and supervised by the supervisory organisation AOOS, based at Rue Rousseau 30, 1201 Geneva.
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is also affiliated to and supervised by AOOS for the purposes of respect for its obligations on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism.


Segmentation of clientele:
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA classifies its clientele according to the segmentation established by the FinSA, namely retail clients (benefiting from the highest level of protection), professional clients (intermediate level of protection) and institutional clients (benefiting from the lowest level of protection).


Type of financial service offered:
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA offers the following financial services:
Wealth management
Within the framework of a wealth management mandate, the client delegates the discretionary management of his assets to MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA in exchange for a fee. MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA thus makes investment decisions in compliance with the investment strategy agreed with the client (his “Investment Profile”), which is determined on the basis of his risk profile. MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA verifies that the investment strategy is appropriate to the client’s risk profile (suitability test).

Global investment advice
When MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA provides a global advice service, in exchange for a fee, the investment decision is made by the client himself. MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA only makes investment recommendations relating to the acquisition or sale of financial instruments, leaving the client the choice as to whether or not to follow that recommendation. The advice provided is global, in that it takes account of the whole of the client’s portfolio and his allocation of assets, in order to define an investment strategy (Investment Profile) adapted to the client’s risk profile.
Within the framework of the investment advice, MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA offers two separate mandates: an advice mandate with transmission of the client’s instructions by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA, and an advice mandate without transmission of instructions, in which case the client must himself communicate his investment instructions to his custodian bank.


Information about the risks:
Every financial instrument comprises risks and can generate losses.
The general risks relative to financial instruments are detailed in the brochure of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) “Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments”, which can be downloaded free from the website of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) ( The client can also request a copy from MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA.
The risks specific to the wealth management service offered by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA (for example, risks linked to the investment strategy agreed with the client) are indicated in the mandate submitted to the client and are given verbally to the client by the advisor before the client chooses an investment strategy (the Investment Profile). The same applies for the risks resulting from the global investment advice service.
The MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA advisor is available to the client for any additional information about the investment strategy and about any financial instrument that may be used.


Information about rates:
The rates for the wealth management and investment advice services provided by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA are mentioned in the mandates.


Economic ties with third parties concerning the financial services offered:
MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA may hold economic ties with third parties enabling it to obtain advantages (in the form of fees), which could give rise to a conflict of interest in respect of the client in relation with the financial services provided by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA.
These advantages result from agreements with third parties (such as banks or representatives of financial instruments) within the framework of which MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA may receive a percentage of the commissions deducted by these third parties. This is particularly the case of the undertakings for collective investment of the Tailor Capital group, whose management company, Tailor Asset Management, is economically affiliated to MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA and to one of its principal shareholders.
The parameters for calculation and the range of the fees that MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA may receive are duly declared to the client in the wealth management or investment advice mandate, so as to allow the client to validly waive requesting the transfer of these fees in its favour.
In any case, MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA has taken adequate organisational measures to avoid any disadvantage for its clients.


Market offering taken into consideration for the selection of financial instruments:
The market offering taken into consideration by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA when selecting financial instruments is composed partly of third party financial instruments and partly of financial instruments of the Tailor Capital group (undertakings for collective investment) with which MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA has a relationship of business introducer.


In the event of a dispute relative to the financial services provided by MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA, the client may initiate a mediation procedure with the mediation body to which MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is affiliated (for example, if MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA refuses a right the client asserts, but also at any time).
The mediation body to which MAG ASSET MANAGEMENT SA is affiliated is OFS Ombud Finance Suisse, based at Rue du Conseil-Général 10, 1205 Geneva.

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